Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Start Green Fire With a Drop of Water

How to Start Green Fire With a Drop of Water You dont need a match to start a fire. In this project, start a fire by adding a drop of water to a dry chemical mixture. The best part? The flames will be green! Fire Safety You should be able to tell from the premise that this  is an adult-only project, best performed by someone with prior pyrotechnic project experience. Follow the instructions carefully to minimize the risk of a fire. Youre using water to start a combustion reaction, so keep your materials away from moisture, soft drinks, perspiration, etc. Got it? Green Materials Instant cold pack (3 grams ammonium nitrate)7 grams zinc filings or powder1/2 gram table salt (sodium chloride)Mortar and pestle If you dont have a cold pack, you can use pure ammonium nitrate, which is available online. You can buy zinc filings or powder online or you can sand a galvanized piece of metal from a hardware store to get the element. If you have to file or sand the zinc, its a good idea to wear a mask, such as the kind used for home repair,  so you dont inhale zinc particles. Procedure for Starting the Green Flames Open the cold pack. Remove and discard the bag of water. Open the bag of ammonium nitrate. Measure out 3 grams of the granules and put them in the mortar.Add 1/2 gram of sodium chloride (salt).Use the pestle to grind together the salt and ammonium nitrate to form a powder.Carefully grind the 7 grams of zinc powder into this mixture. Water can ignite the mixture at this point, so dont spill your drink or drip sweat into the powder. Its a good idea to wear disposable plastic gloves, because you dont want the final mixture reacting with water on your hands.Transfer the mixture to a metal or otherwise fire-proof container. Take it outdoors to start the reaction. Use a pipette or other long-handled dispensing device to add a few drops of water. The reaction can be spectacular, so move back immediately. Another reaction you can do using these materials is to mix ammonium nitrate with zinc and initiate combustion by adding a few drops of hydrochloric (muriatic) acid. Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The 15 writing habits of people who build amazing careers

The 15 writing habits of people who build amazing careers The 15 writing habits of people who build amazing careers One of the great pleasures of my job is that I frequently get a chance to talk to people who really are at the top of their game. Over the last 18 years, my colleagues and I have worked with over 40,000 people. And among them have been many industry leaders who have built seriously impressive careers and truly made a difference in their particular sector. These people are undeniably successful –Â  regardless of whether you define success in monetary terms, in what theyve been able to achieve, or both. Along the way, Ive noticed certain characteristics coming up again and again in the documents and emails that these super-successful people write – and in the approach they take to writing them. Clear patterns have emerged: ways of writing that so many successful people seem to share that I strongly suspect they are habits that underpin their success. Some of these patterns are in the way they write. Others are in what they write (and in how they develop that content). Together, these things propel them forwards, enabling them to make the kind of progress that others can only dream of – and often to earn many times more than those people. No single person exhibits all the traits, or even most of them. And these extraordinary individuals may not even be aware that the way they approach written communication is special or know why their approach works so much better than what other people do. But the fact that they do it that way has almost certainly been a major factor in their rise to the top. So here are those characteristics: 1. They write with confidence It takes courage to tell it like it is, but these people have it in spades. Theres a fine line between being arrogant and being confident, and these people are definitely the latter. They exude belief in their messages by never hiding behind flowery language or using 30 words when ten will do. 2. They nurture their ideas So much writing advice (and presentation training, for that matter) focuses on methodology. But even the most articulate wording will not disguise lazy thinking. Effective thinking needs to come first and it takes time. It cant be done between emails or checking Facebook. These people make and take that time, building and developing their ideas. As a result, what they write has real value. In the longer term, this builds their personal PR, and their organisations begin to recognise that value more and more. 3. They keep notes Neuroscientists have made many real breakthroughs in the last 20 years. One of these is the discovery that there are two distinct types of thinking: focused thought and free association (sometimes called mind wandering mode). Our brains cant do both at the same time, needing instead to switch between the two. (Brain researchers have even identified the neural switch that does this – the cingulate cortex.) The best ideas often spring from the second type of thinking, which typically happens when you are not sitting at your desk. In fact, it tends to happen when youre doing something completely unrelated to work – like shopping or loading the dishwasher. Successful people tend to capture ideas from these moments of mind wandering by noting them down on their smartphones or on a small pad, which they keep with them at all times for that purpose. 4. They are careful readers Successful people often seem to recognise that their attention and mental capacity are precious resources that they must spend wisely and renew regularly. As such, they use social media and other websites judiciously, reserving them for free thinking time rather than getting sucked down into all-day Facebook fests that drain them of energy and original thought. They also allow time to focus on one thing –Â  which benefits them not just because they can develop their ideas but because continually switching attention drains mental energy. 5. They look after their mind This habit often extends into other areas of their lives. For example, they make sure they get enough sleep and they eat sensibly: avoiding the highs and lows of sugar binges or overdosing on caffeine. Of course, they are human. But their secret is self-awareness. So, if the ideas arent there, they do something about it: whether thats going for a walk, stimulating their mind – with more reading or music, for example – or simply stopping and picking things up tomorrow. 6. They are conscious writers This one is critical. People who build extraordinary careers are expert influencers, so they are acutely aware of the effect both poor and good writing can have on others. They know that every document or email is an opportunity to influence many more people than they will ever meet, so they never squander that opportunity. That means they think before they write (unlike their less successful colleagues, who typically think while theyre writing –Â  or even afterwards, when it may well be too late). 7. They write to express, not impress The most successful writers never waste time or screen space posturing with verbose language. Theyd much rather engage directly with the brains of those they seek to influence in the most efficient way possible. 8. They know that its not all about me The first and main focus for them is their reader: who they are, what interests them, what they might be thinking and what they want them to think. That focus underpins their planning and stays with them throughout the writing process. (This is in contrast to less effective writers, whose focus tends to be on just getting the thing written and crossed off their list.) 9. They see the big picture This is another aspect that truly marks out highly successful people from the rest. Ive noticed that they develop a keen understanding of where their organisation is going and make sure they keep that at the front of their minds, rather than dwelling on the minutiae of the day-to-day. But that doesnt mean they ignore minor tasks or issues. They just see those as part of the bigger picture and keep that in mind when theyre writing. As a result, they often have a direct connection with the executives in the C-suite, who tend to be similarly focused. 10. They know when enough is enough The most successful people make their written communications only as long as they need to be: never longer. They also know that those communications usually need to be a lot shorter than many of their colleagues think they do. 11. They set clear objectives and they plan Uncommonly successful people know exactly what each report or proposal needs to achieve. Often, they write down those objectives; always, they base them on a knowledge of their readers. (See point 8.) This is part of an essential planning process. Many people start their documents by immediately firing up Word (or, if theyre a management consultant, more likely PowerPoint) and starting to type. But not these people. They know that planning is essential and they take time to work out a structure for their document before they even touch their keyboard. 12. They know how to build a persuasive argument By the time they start typing, they already have a clear idea of who their reader is, where they need them to go and –Â  crucially –Â  how theyre going to get them there. The most successful people know that persuasive writing is more of a science than an art. So they build their argument carefully first. As a result, their battle is half won even before they open up their laptop. 13. They are politically aware Awareness of organisational politics – and how to use that knowledge to your advantage –Â  is a sensitive issue. In an ideal world, everyone would work together selflessly and and logically for the greater good. But the real world is populated by humans, with all their foibles, ambitions and emotions. Successful people know that their documents will have to work with those too. So, regardless of what theyre writing, they take into account human psychology and how its played out in their particular workplace. 14. They dont rely on writing alone Its tempting to think that the written word is the only tool in your communication toolbox. The most successful people know that there are other tools too, and theyre careful to choose the right one for the job each time. So their documents often include captivating charts, diagrams or pictures. And these people know when to talk to someone instead of emailing them (sometimes as a way to ensure a document hits its mark). 15. They sweat the small stuff Ive deliberately left spelling, punctuation and grammar to the end of this list – even though those are the things that most people think of if you mention effective writing. Thats because a technically perfect document can still be devoid of original thought, totally disengaging and, therefore, potentially useless. However, it is still important to make sure that silly mistakes in accuracy dont undermine all your hard work. Successful people use spell-check and proofread their work. This list is still evolving and its not exhaustive. You may well have noticed other habits that make all the difference. Id love to hear what they are, so do let me know in the comments below. Image credit: mimagephotography / Shutterstock

Thursday, November 21, 2019

SIM 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SIM 9 - Essay Example They made a passage from the roof and lowered the bed on which the paralytic man lay; Jesus saw faith and healed and forgave the man’s sins. He said, â€Å"Son, your sins are forgiven†.1 This passage continues to narrate the deeds of Christ. The importance and significance of this passage is that it encourages people to have faith and teaches as that Jesus as the son of God forgives sins. It also tells that they some who believed in preaching and others who were there just to criticize what he taught. The teachers of the law thought that what Jesus did was blaspheming. They said the only one who had the authority to forgive sin was God alone.2 This passage emphasizes on the importance of faith in our lives. In a personal context, this Mark chapter 2 in the bible teaches me that faith without action is dead. In the passage, I am reminded that it is important to act on my faith as the men carrying the paralyzed man. Their faith healed the paralyzed man.3 So if I act on my faith and believe in Jesus, my sins will be forgiven. Lastly, it states that the son of god (Jesus) can forgive sins. Therefore, I must believe and trust in him. In my church, I can remind my fellow worshippers of the importance of believing in Jesus miracles and trusting in him. I can urge them not to be like the teachers of the law who criticized Jesus, but, live according to his rules and footsteps so as they their souls can be healed as well as their sins to be

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Assess the Current Status of Primary Healthcare in the Socialist Essay

Assess the Current Status of Primary Healthcare in the Socialist Marketplace - Essay Example (IBM, 2006) But healthcare for the population at large has lagged behind other markers of success. During the first few decades of the current Chinese regime the resources of the local principality had much to do with access to resources. In rural areas, regional organization at the local level attempted to meet the medical needs of those in the district. In urban areas, the work unit was the most important unit of local governance in terms of health-care access. THE RURAL SYSTEM With the end of the pure socialism of communal living, and the financial erosion of the work-unit system in urban areas, it is more standard for individual inequalities to be the determining factor for healthcare access.(Duckett, 2007) Low-income individuals without health-insurance may be able to cover a few minor medical incidents, but income inequities are likely to bring on financial insolvency, even when patients are able to pay. Where these financial inequities persist in a market with little viable in surance; the legitimate need for healthcare then becomes one more cause of poverty. (Mackintosh 2001: 175). Though efforts are underway to re-establish a cooperative system of health financing. By the late 1970s, The medical system in China was wedded to the over-arching government bureaucracy. Health services were just one more facet of the apparatus of administration and social control in a command economy. A World Bank study has observed that by 1975 ‘almost all the urban population and 85 per cent of the rural’ had a form of insurance that was at least able to provide the most basic of medical services, as well as cost-effective preventives, and sometimes curative treatments. This also entailed financial risks that to some extent, the population shared, in addition to the benefits in life expectancy. (World Bank 1997: 2), (World Bank 1992). In Rural regions the 1960's and 70's saw many of these benefits in the form of vaccines and contraceptives; under the auspices of local control based upon the older system of rural communities funding the majority of their own health services. (Huang 1988; Kan 1990:42). Under the older system, rural areas typically had a three-tiered system of regional organization was responsible for the administration of health-services. There were hospitals at the county level, Health centers for communes that could provide referral services and the supervision of preventative treatments; and the communes. Individual village/communes had health stations staffed by rural practitioners sometimes known as ‘barefoot doctors’ (Bloom & Gu 1997). These local-level commune health centers would report to the district commune-management communist party committee. The next step above them in medical matters was the county-level general hospital, for a higher level of technological support and supervision. But all of these institutions were under the auspices of a county health bureau, for the purpose of administration, rather than actual treatment. The intent was to bring new dimensions of health-care to rural areas previously bereft of them in years before. Attempts where made in the late 60's and 70's, what might be termed the late Mao era, to introduce an apparatus of collective funding, similar to health insurance programs to better assist the rural health-system for most villages. And for

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Single-Sex School and Co-Ed School Essay Example for Free

Single-Sex School and Co-Ed School Essay Girls are far more likely to thrive, get GCSEs and stay in education if they go to a single-sex school, according to new research, which reveals pupils who are struggling academically when they start secondary school reap the biggest rewards of girls-only schooling. The analysis of the GCSE scores of more than 700,000 girls taught in the state sector concludes that those at girls schools consistently made more progress than those in co-ed secondaries. The fact that pupils with the lowest test scores when they started secondary made the biggest leap in girls school will reopen the debate about whether more children should have access to a single-sex education in order to drive up results. The number of girls schools has dwindled in the state sector since the 1970s and has been dropping more recently among private schools, as more and more parents demand co-ed schools. Only 221,000 girls and 160,000 boys are now taught in state single sex secondaries out of a total school population of more than 3. 5 million. The research, conducted on behalf of the Good Schools Guide, looked at the contextually value added scores for every girl who took GCSEs in the state sector between 2005 and 2007. Grammar schools were excluded. The government introduced value added scores to rate the progress pupils make between the end of primary school and GCSEs taking into account their socio-economic backgrounds. Of the 71,286 girls who sat GCSEs in single-sex schools over the three-year period, on average all did better than predicted on the basis of their end of primary Sats results. By comparison, of the 647,942 who took exams in mixed-sex schools, 20% did worse than expected. In the value added score, in which a zero score indicates a child achieving the GCSE results expected on the basis of their Sats results at 11, the lowest 10% achievers who went to girls schools scored on average 17. Among the lowest 10% achievers in mixed schools that score was -10. It means girls who start secondary struggling with their work are more likely to get GCSEs and stay on at school to do A-levels. Janette Wallis, editor of the Good Schools Guide, said: A lot of parents will look at the benefits of co-ed schools, like the fact that girls and boys are educated side-by-side preparing them for the world of work and life. But to disregard this evidence would be a mistake. We never expected to see such a difference. She said the effect could be down to girls working better without boys distracting them but acknowledged the fact that educationally aspirant parents could seek out girls-only schools, which could also make a difference. Alice Sullivan, a researcher at the Institute of Education, University of London, and a specialist in single-sex schooling, said: It is very interesting that girls seem to be making more progress at single-sex schools. It does support a body of research evidenc e that girls do better in single-sex environments. However, other leading academics said the research was more conflicting. Alan Smithers, director of education at Buckingham University, said: We know across the piece that the main variables relating to exam success are pupil characteristics, social background and quality of teacher. There is very little space for gender in the classroom to make a difference. Where it apparently has an effect it relates to other factors, such as the aspirations of the parents who want their daughter educated in a single-sex school. But if this is true it will change our understanding. Sue Dunford, headteacher of Southfield School for Girls in Kettering, said: Its a question of confidence in the way girls develop. Its cool to be very good at anything in a girls school maths, sciences or physics. No one will ask why youre doing a boys subject. Girls who lack confidence can thrive more in girls-only schools. We dont have boys competing and distracting, so girls can really go for it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cultural Ambiguity and the Sexual Relationship :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Cultural Ambiguity and the Sexual Relationship       The notion that a culture cannot wholly define a term it puts to use every day is perplexing, yet that seems to be the case in American culture.  Ã‚   The term "sexual relationship" is one that is thrown around and used loosely by people of all ages in the United States.   Truly the phrase has many connotations, but as to which is correct, there is little definition.    In order to ascertain some sort of definition it is logical to examine public debates involving this phrase.   The most recent public debate requiring the definition of a "sexual relationship" involved the case concerning President William J. Clinton's relationship to White House intern Monica Lewinsky.   The documentation of this case is summarized in a report commonly referred to as "The Starr Report," in which President Clinton denies having had a sexual relationship with Ms. Lewinsky, even though she claims otherwise.   Clinton does so by standing behind the definition set forth in the Jones Deposition. "[A] person engages in "sexual relations" when the person knowingly engages in or causes -- (1) contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person . . . . "Contact" means intentional touching, either directly or through clothing." (www.house.gov/judiciary/6nar rit.htm#L11)   Per this explicit definition, Clinton claimed that Ms. Lewinsky had "sexual relations" with him (e.g. oral sex) but he had not engaged in a "sexual relationship" with her.   Therefore, one possibility for the definition of a "sexual relationship" could involve the clear-cut guidelines above, and as President Clinton suggested, involve only one person.    However, Ms. Lewinsky's view was slightly different.   She claimed that, in fact, the two had a "sexual relationship" because President Clinton did engage in some of the acts mentioned above and lied about it.   This added information causes murkiness in the argument that one member of a partnership can engage in a "sexual relationship" without the other partner.   Indeed, much of the argument tends to point towards the idea that two people are usually involved in a "sexual relationship" because it is difficult to have said relationship with only one person.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Economics †Short Answers Essay

Answer #1 One of the problems that concern me right now would be the continuous increase of prices of petroleum products in the market which greatly affected my budget. Moreover, the said hike of oil prices causes our economy to perform badly for the past quarters which indirectly affects the prices of major commodities in the market like sugar, coffee, rice etc based from what I have read from the news papers and magazines. In this regard, oil price hike imposes negative externalities on our welfare –consumers. But to some extent, oil price hike also bring benefits to our economy in a form of forcing our federal government to find ways of providing alternative sources of energy aside from crude oil like bio-fuel. If it not for the price hikes of petroleum products in the market for the past decades, authorities would make no effort to find other sources of energy especially one that would serve as substitute for crude oil. After a few more decades, prices of petroleum products will start to decline as a consequence of emerging alternative sources of energy like bio-fuel as what I have said a while ago. Answer #2 One of the best examples of monopolists that currently exist in the market would be Microsoft Company. Microsoft Company serves to be the sole provider of Windows – software being used by almost all of personal computers around the globe. In this regard, the absence of other provider of Windows other than Microsoft makes the latter a monopolist catering for a large pool of buyers. Moreover, since Microsoft is the sole provider of Windows which we are all using nowadays, there is a great possibility for Microsoft to charge higher prices due to the absence of substitute goods for Windows. Furthermore, monopolists, because of its large market influence, can easily prevent new players to enter the industry of Software production giving them enough room to enjoy sole player in the market. Answer #3 Based from the negative effects that monopolists imposes not only to consumers but also to other market players, the federal government made necessary laws that would restrict the action of monopolists in the market creating enough way to protect the welfare of the consumers and other market players. One of the said laws could be the Anti-Trust Law. Anti-Trust Law is a bulk of laws that forbid unfair market competitions and anti-competitive behaviour of monopolists through illegalizing some practices of the latter that believed to hurt either or both businesses and consumers (U. S. Department of Justice, 1996). As for the case of labor monopolization of giant unions, I think we could also consider them as a source of potential negative effects just like of Microsoft as well as the misallocation of economic resources. The main reason here would be that, having a giant union monopolizing laborers in the market, there is a tendency that they will have a higher bargaining power on private firms of various industries, such as salary increase, which imposes negative effects on the operation of the businesses. At the end of the day, it is the consumers who will suffer from the actions of giant unions since the tendency of the private firms is to pass what ever the added costs they will incur from the said increase of bargaining power of labor unions. Answer #4  Another type of market structure aside from monopoly would be oligopoly. Oligopoly is a type of market structure wherein there is a few sellers and many buyers in market. As compared to monopoly, there exist market competition in oligopoly which improves the quality and quantity of goods and services in the market and so with the consumer welfare. One possible example of oligopoly would be Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is a retail stores and tagged as â€Å"the Giant Store† which leads the industry of retailing due to its large size relative to other retail stores in the industry. The only down turn here in oligopoly would be the possibility of collusion between those â€Å"few sellers† in the market in order for them to minimize competition and have control on the price level in the market. The said collusion of oligopolists is called cartel and this act in the market just like a monopoly. This is the reason why federal government is keeping an eye on oligopolists to prevent such scenario since cartel is no difference with monopoly. Answer #5 Yes, the local phone service market, which was dominated before by Bell, has a great possibility of reaching competitive market due to the forces of competition. With the existence of competition, the local phone service industry members would have to compete to one another in order to attract more customers in terms such as higher service quality and lower price. Those improvements in the service quality and lower price of local phone service would make the said industry competitive since consumer welfare will surely improve; and at the end of the day, societal welfare will start to improve along side with the local phone service industry itself. Answer #6  One of the ways for us to determine if the product differentiation of competitive firms us wasted or not would be to know if the consumers possess brand loyalty which is the main target of differentiating product from one another. Product differentiation serves as the â€Å"identity† of any firm belonging to the competitive market and that identity will stand as the â€Å"brand† for the private firm. Now, if consumers in the market do not have the sense of â€Å"brand loyalty†, then, there is a big possibility that the product differentiation of private firms will be deemed unsuccessful in penetrating its target consumers. Answer #7  OPEC has been successful in controlling the production of oil since it has a bargaining power superimpose on the government of various countries that supplies oil in the market. OPEC determines the market demand and supply existing in the world market and either they increase or decrease the oil supply depending on the season, economic stability of their member countries and volume of supply of oil-producing countries to the organization, moreover, there are times that OPEC regulated the supply of oil for precautionary reasons like during the times of war and during the times of potential shortage in the coming period. The only negative effect of OPEC’s intervention on our welfare, especially during the times when they cut the supply of oil in the world market, would be the high prices of petroleum products on our domestic market. Therefore, the reason why there is existing oil price hike in the market would be either OPEC cut the supply of oil in the world market which creates pressure for the prices of petroleum products to increase, or because of the economic and political instability of oil-producing countries which creates threats for oil supply shortage in the world market. At the end of the day, consumers will carry the burden of that economic and political instability of other country through the intermediation of OPEC in the world market for petroleum products. Answer #8 The reason behind the success of Wal-Mart for the past years lies on its market share and size which provide rooms for further lowering down the prices of their goods relative to their competitors. Because of the large market size and share of Wal-Mart, they have been able to have more bargaining power to their suppliers in a form of price discounts since once Wal-Mart buys products to their suppliers; millions of volumes of goods are at stake. This is the reason why suppliers would want to supply Wal-Mart due to large volume of order that they can get once they were able to close a deal with the management of the Giant. At the end of the day, those price discounts that Wal-Mart was able to receive from their suppliers will give them enough room to further set the prices of their products lower as compared to their competitors, thereby, attracting more customers which eventually lead to experiencing high company growth in terms of profitability and sales volume.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Comparing: In Paris with You; His Coy Mistress Essay

Both poems are about love – love that has been lost, damaged and tainted. In Paris with You is the bitter tale of a man who tries to move on from a lover that has left the man broken, biting and bleak, his poem is a woeful tale of the breakdown of what was clearly a precious relationship that had soured over time leading the man into a spiral of distress and Paris. The title itself suggests his biting personality In Paris with You – when you initially read it ideas of romance and love fill your mind but upon reading the poem all these thoughts go out the window and you realise the narrator’s vexation towards this person and the negative connotations they carry from the narrator’s point of view. Countering In Paris with You is His Coy Mistress a poem about an age old love that is dominated by lust and fuelled with an intense passion, the poem shows that the narrator’s appetite for lust can turn spiteful and the cruelty shown towards the women in the second stanza indicates the fickle nature of the narrator which is further proved in stanza three. The second poem is different from the first in the sense the narrator seems to have more respect for the woman he compares her to â€Å"rubies† and countless mentions of his adoration and dedication towards her, he complains that her â€Å"coyness† has distanced the two and exaggerates it as he subtly mentions the River Ganges and Humber two different locations which he uses not just to compliment her and her beauty but also to suggest the space they share between them. However this does not hinder his ‘love’ for her as he calls it a â€Å"vegetable love† that â€Å"should grow† which implicates themes of a natural, healthy love that is fresh and genuine, a love that is â€Å"vaster than empires† invoking thoughts of power and might – influential even. Opposing His Coy Mistress is In Paris with You the narrator treats the women like a slave someone who he sees as an object to distract himself from the woman who â€Å"bamboozledà ¢â‚¬  him, he uses nautical imagery such as â€Å"hostage† and â€Å"marooned† to describe his situation which suggests his feeling of confinement and restriction and why he may not want to go sightseeing in Paris because he wants to stay hidden away from the harsh sunlight and cruel world staying secluded in his own private island of misery with only his new ‘lover’ to keep him company. In the second stanza of His Coy Mistress the narrator changes his mood towards the woman changing his love-struck  attitude to one that is enraged and resentful, he spites her by suggesting â€Å"worms shall try that long preserved virginity† simultaneously mocking her chastity and her pride. He shows contempt by repeatedly acting like she is unwanted by all except death because of her â€Å"coyness† he says her â€Å"quaint honour shall turn to dust† to pressure her in a way by suggesting what she is doing now is useless and holds no meaning much like In Paris With You when the narrator repeatedly infers that what they do in Paris is not at all significant and is a band aid – a quick fix for his previous lover. Unlike In Paris with You His Coy Mistress turns remorseful and apologises indirectly by slowly coaxing her to embrace their lust and embrace and empower their love while In Paris with You remains the same unapologetic and laced with innuendos til l the very end.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Stand Out in Any Job Interview- TheJobNetwork

How to Stand Out in Any Job Interview- TheJobNetwork In today’s world, competition for jobs is as fierce as it has ever been. The average employer  interviews multiple people for a job. Even after you’ve made it to the second round or third round of interviews, it’s extremely likely that you’re still competing against 2-3 other people for this job. With that being said, it’s important to stand out in your job interview. Of course, that’s easier said than done. The infographic below will help you figure out how to succeed in  any job interview so that regardless of competition, you’ll be able to impress future employers and increase your chances of landing the job.Source: [InterviewSuccessFormula]

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Members of Congress by Profession

Members of Congress by Profession There are lots of professional politicians, those solons who hop from one elective office to another and always land on their feet - or at the helm of some federal agency or even in the Senate - because theres no such thing as statutory term limits  and theres no way to recall them. But many members of Congress came from real professions before being elected.  There have been actors, comedians, talk-show hosts, famous journalists and all sorts of doctors who have served in the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.   Members of Congress By  Profession So who are these people and what did they do? There are the obvious non-politicians: actor and President Ronald Reagan,  Songwriter Sonny Bono was one-half of Sonny and Cher,  one of the most popular rock duos  of the 1960s and early 1970s,  author and  talk-show host  Al Franken, who  was  best known for his role on  Saturday Night Live.  Who can forget professional wrestler Jesse The Body Ventura, whose political resume ended at governor of Minnesota? But what about the common members of Congress? Where did they come from? What were their professions? Business and Law Data compiled regularly by the Washington, D.C., publication Roll Call and the Congressional Research Service have found that the most common professions held by burgeoning members of the House and Senate are in law, business and education. In the 113th Congress, for example, nearly a fifth of the 435 House members and 100 senators worked in education, either as teachers, professors, school counselors, administrators or coaches, according to the Roll Call and Congressional Research data. There were twice as many lawyers and businessmen and businesswomen. Professional Politicians The most common profession among members of Congress, though, is that of a public servant. Thats a nice-sounded term for a career politician. More than half of our U.S. senators served in the House, for example. But there are dozens of former small-town mayors, state governors, former judges, ex-state lawmakers, one-time congressional staffers, sheriffs and FBI agents, just to name a few. More Unusual Professions Of course, not everyone in Congress is a lawyer or professional politician or celebrity seeking to make a serious name for himself or herself. Some of the other jobs held by members of Congress include the following: Car dealerRodeo AnnouncerWelderFuneral home ownerSoftware engineerPhysicianDentists  Veterinarians  PsychiatristPsychologistsOptometristNurse  MinisterPhysicistEngineerMicrobiologist  Radio talk show host  JournalistAccountantPilotAstronautProfessional football playerFilmmaker  FarmerAlmond orchard ownerVintner  FishermanSocial workerStockbroker Are You Thinking of Running for Office? Before you launch that presidential campaign, there are some things you ought to know. These dentists and stockbrokers and astronauts didnt just jump headfirst into politics. Most were involved, whether it was through volunteering with campaigns, becoming members of the local party committees, giving money to super PACs or other political action committees and serving in small, unpaid municipal positions.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The measurement of inflammatory oedema in skin Essay

The measurement of inflammatory oedema in skin - Essay Example The PubMed database contains more than 80,000 references related to the problem of the inflammation in medicine and biology. Nevertheless, the studies dedicated to the problem of inflammatory response do not loose their pertinence and keep top positions on the ranking of the most important scientific directions. The physiology of inflammation is very complicate. There are five universal hallmarks of the inflammation, four of theme were described by Celsus in the Ancient Rome as follows tetrad: rubor (i.e. hyperemia or redness due to increased blood flow), calor (heat due to increased metabolic activity and blood flow), tumor (i.e. swelling or oedema), and dolor (i.e. pain). The fifth hallmark of the inflammation was added to the previous by Dr. Rudolf Virhow only in the middle of XIX century. This is "functio laesa" or loss of function. But these visible indices of the inflammation are the result of the sophisticated processes mediated by the numerous humoral and cellular factors (Ley, 2001). Thus there is well known, that the inflammatory response has two components - cellular and exudative. The exudation is characterized by producing exudates i.e. fluids and cellular substances that are slowly discharged from blood vessels of inflamed tissues. The exudates contain proteins (fibrin and others) and could be released due to the increase of capillary permeability in the affected tissue. This process leads to the occurrence of oedema, thus by the measurement of swelling area the researcher can control the intensity of the inflammation. There is also important to remember that oedema distends the tissues, irritate the nervous receptors and can cause pain (Ley, 2001). The cellular component of the inflammation is presented by the emigration of leucocytes from the blood vessels into the inflamed tissues. Nevertheless for the research planned and conducted by the schedule of our training there is more important to recognise main mediators of the inflammation. There was demonstrated in the studies conducted recently (Ley, 2001; Sigal, 2005; Hildebrand, Pape & Krettek, 2005) that cytokines interleukin-1 and tumor necrotizing factors can play important role in the upregulation of the endothelial receptors and the processes of extravasation (i.e. e,igration of inflammatory cells into extravascular sites). This can increase intensity of swelling also. The vasoactive agents can influence on the processes of the exudation and extravasation significantly. Nevertheless they role are not studied completely. In the last decades the researchers pais great attention to the mechanisms of the impact of some vasoactive peptides on the microvascular responses during the acute and chronic inflammation. There are many candidates for profound studies in this area, nevertheless, some investigators prefer to use calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) for modelling physiological reactions during the inflammatory response. This is a 37 amino acid peptide that is produced in the central and peripheral nervous system in the rodents (rats and mice). Since 1985 (Brain et al) there is known that CGRP is an extremely potent and long lasting microvascular vasodilator which can act to potentiate